09 March 2008

Justin Somper

Firstly - Danny, that last post of yours is faintly terrifying!!!

Book news for me this last week was all about Vampirates. The totally delightful Justin Somper came to school and spoke to (and with) Years 5-8 about his books, reading, writing and publishing. He was a great speaker - very amusing, deliberately cheesy (sea shanties and swords have rarely been used to such good crowd-silencing effect before), fascinating on all topics and patient when the line of would-be signees (or some word like that!) stretched around three school corridors.

Before he came, Vampirates books were a little looked down on by the older boys - their perceived themselves above such childish matter. But, now - as if by magic - whole chunks of Year 8 are wandering around reading the books. I did tell them, but clearly I'm not grown-up enough to warrant them believing me about a book's worthiness for Young Adults to read. Hah!

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