07 July 2009

Book of the Week (21): “What I Saw and How I Lied” by Judy Blundell

The first thing that attracts about this book is the cover; matt, black, with a beautiful girl emerging from the darkness. It looks intriguing, more like a poster for a 1940s film noir starring Veronica Lake than a teen book. The cover holds more than that image though, for if you open the outer cover to reveal the inner one, there is another portrait, this time of an older woman – one very glamorous, very sultry; a blonde Ava Gardner, all tighly corseted passion. Yes, it really is a cover to make you pick up the book. And then all you have to do is start reading, because once you start, you won’t want to stop.

Set just after WWII, this is the story of Evie, her returned G.I. father, her glamorous yet unhappy mother, and a journey they take to the heat and humidity of Summertime Florida where they meet the filmstar-gorgeous Peter – and where their lives unravel.

You can read this book for the wonderful characters, for the mystery, for the lightly-written period detail that makes you feel as if you know the time inside out, or you can read it to know more about Evie, the girl on the cusp of being a woman, the girl who lies, to herself and others – and who is lied to by everyone. All of these reasons make it a fantastic read – all of them combined make it a fabulous one.

Recommended by Leonie Flynn

• Try some of Judy Blundell’s own recommendations – read about them in the interview that follows in the next blog entry.

1 comment:

Noga said...

About the cover - it is lovely but unfortunately it has a lot t do with one Stephenie Meyer. If you go to a book shop you'll see a whole host of books clad in black with striking red and white images. I think the cover was designed to draw in the Twilight crowd. Good idea - at least they'll read one good book, even if it's by mistake..:)